The model 73 gas-actuated thermometer has been developed
and is manufactured in accordance with the EN 13190
standard. This high-quality thermometer has been designed
especially for the requirements of the process industry.
The thermometer, completely manufactured from stainless
steel, is used particularly successfully in the chemical and
petrochemical, oil and gas, and power engineering industries.
To allow optimum fitting to the process, individual insertion
lengths and process connections are available. The
thermometers have a high ingress protection of IP65 and
can be used in outdoor applications even at negative
temperatures. With liquid dampening operation under high
vibration conditions is possible.
Due to the wide variety of possible designs, the model 73 gas-actuated thermometers can be perfectly adapted to any process connection or location.
With the contact bulb version, temperature measurements are
possible without any contact with the medium, even when the
pipe diameter is extremely small. The contact bulb is intended
for external mounting on pipes and tanks.
When it comes to harsh climatic conditions at the place of
use, the model 73 is the right choice, as it can be used at temperatures ranging from -40 °C [-40 °F] to +60 °C [140 °F]
(optionally also up to -50 °C [-58 °F] or -70 °C [-94 °F] in the
POLARgauge® version).